Saturdays are pretty sacred for me and my girlfriend Dylan. It's the day where we get to unwind and spend time together after going through the grind of the work week. A normal weekend for us consists of either hanging out at each other's houses, going out to eat, or watching a movie if there's anything interesting showing. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we'd end up at an invitation-only dinner at Yabu Alabang Town Center.
Before I go into anything else, I'll go ahead and say that me and Dylan love to eat, a claim the photos below will definitely attest to. Yabu: The House of Katsu has been a favorite restaurant of ours for a while now for good reasons. Some restaurants will bank on hype and the experience of actually being
in the restaurant to distract you from realizing how pedestrian and forgettable their food actually is. But in the case of Yabu, not only do you get great food, you get it in an experience that's most often grounded on great service, attention to detail, and value for money.
Going back to the dinner, all invited guests got to order pretty much whatever they wanted, free of charge. Over the course of all the times we've eaten at Yabu, me and Dylan have our mainstay orders, but we took this opportunity to really sample the other offerings on their menu. If you haven't picked it up from my earlier ramblings, Yabu is a Katsu house that serves a wide variety of Katsu dishes, made to appeal to both traditional and adventurous lovers of deep-fried meat.

I'm no food blogger, so I'll cut a long story short and spare you of having to go through all the mouth-watering details of an experience me and Dylan were just really lucky to have been a part of. From the appetizers, all the way to the main course, Yabu still doesn't disappoint. If you've tried out Yabu before, and share the sentiment I do towards the place, you'll be glad to know that no pillar from the Yabu experience was missed on the opening of this new branch, great food, and impeccable service. And with the official opening just days away, I'm sure Yabu Alabang Town Center will be welcomed by southerners such as myself with both open arms, and open mouths.
That spinach salad. |
Glorious, glorious pork. |
Thank you so much to
Yabu for having us!
I did say we love to eat. |
Here's other ways on how to reach them on the social sphere:
Instagram - @yabuph