Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Get a head start on the holiday weight gain.

It's inevitable. The holidays are fast approaching. You go to Christmas party after Christmas party. You eat, you drink, and you have a great time. Well, at least what you can remember, anyway.

You can't pass up on days worth of home-cooked meals because it's a welcome break from your yuppie diet. Christmas comes on, NewYear's Eve rolls along, and suddenly it's a new year and you're anywhere from 5 to 20 pounds overweight.

It happens. The stuff you got for Christmas suddenly doesn't fit. So you make some bogus resolution to commit to an active, healthy lifestyle and become one of the hundreds of people who crowd the gyms in the first few months of the year.

I'm here to tell you that holiday weight gain isn't a bad thing. It's like a course of nature in the strange, whacked out sense that it's just bound to happen. All I'm trying to say is, if you're going to gain weight anyway, you might as well pack on the pounds way before the holiday season kicks in.

One good way to get started is with "El Sur", opening this Saturday at the Alabang Town Center! Brought to you by the same organizers of Mercato Centrale over in Bonifacio Global City, expect a good variety of food to stuff your face to your heart's content. I can only hope I end up trying food out from some concessionaires not seen in Mercato BGC though. 

So if you're in the south looking for some new food choices this weekend, check this place out and tell whoever's planning on getting you clothes as gifts to size up accordingly.

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